This organization consists of the wonderful, hard-working, loving women of West Islip. We were founded in November, 2010 by Regina Jacoby and Patty Vorilas. The objective of this group is to work together to make West Islip the great community that it should be. We will work together to help the organizations within our community, provide philanthropic services and outreach to families in need in West Islip and through working together and make strong bonds with each other.
We feel that our organization will one day be one of West Islip's finest. We do not require that you belong to any particular affiliation or possess any previous memberships to join our organization. We do ask that you support our organization.
The Women of West Islip are dedicated to serving our community by providing a valuable service. Our organization will be widely-recognized as the best of its kind. Our membership is growing at a steady pace. With this growth, we have been able to accomplish more, and have a larger impact upon our community. We welcome you with open arms. Please inquire today about how you can become a part of our growing membership. We are always looking for community based volunteers as well. Volunteers aid the community in various ways. To learn more email us at